Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Man dies after falling 65 feet from stand at Atlanta Braves baseball game

A man has died after falling 65 feet from an upper deck at Turner Field during a baseball game between the Atlanta Braves and Philadelphia Phillies at about 9pm Monday
 Baseball fans look over the railing at Turner Field where a man fell up to 40 feet onto a parking lot below during a baseball game Monday night
Police found that alcohol had factored into that accident, which the Braves said was the first non-medical fatality to happen at the ballpark.
Isaac Grubb, 20, of Lenoir City, Tennessee, died after falling over a railing at the Georgia Dome during a football game between Tennessee and North Carolina State on August 31, 2012. Authorities said he landed on another man seated in the lower level, and that alcohol was a factor.
Several falls in sports stadiums have troubled Georgia recently, such as Isaac Grubb's fatal fall at the Georgia Dome
A man fell about 25 feet over a staircase railing at a Georgia Tech-Miami football game on September 22, 2012 and was not seriously injured.
Turner Field became the home of the Braves in 1997, a year after serving as the site of major events for the 1996 Summer Olympics.
Police cannot yet comment on whether alcohol was a factor in this latest fall.


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