Surveillance cameras captured
the moment every door at a maximum-security jail wing in Florida swung
open and released a flock of violent criminals, who ganged up and
attacked another inmate with vicious homemade knives.
The inmate was forced to jump over a railing and fall one story to
escape his assailants, who are believed to be members of a rival gang in
the Miami neighborhood of Liberty City.
The Miami-Dade Corrections Department says it still doesn't know why the security system unlocked and opened every door in the maximum-security wing of the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on June 14.
However, two inmates immediately crept out of their cells - seemingly moving with purpose - as soon as the doors slid
The Miami Herald reports
that this has led some to speculate that the prisoners knew that their
doors would open and that they were waiting to be let out to execute
their attack.
The Herald obtained a copy of the June 14 surveillance video.
It shows an attack on Kenneth Williams, believed to be a leader of the
New Moneii gang that deals drugs in a Liberty City public housing
project, by three rival gang members - all of whom were allegedly armed with shivs - crude prison knives.
Williams jumped over a railing and landed on the floor below to escape
his assailants. He can be seen writhing in pain, holding his leg.
Doctors later said he suffered a fractured vertebrae and a broken ankle.
Williams was awaiting trial on charges he tried to intimidate witnesses
testifying against two gunmen accused of killing one of Williams' rivals
and his 10-month-old son.
The Herald reports that police suspect Williams ordered the hit, but have been unable to produce evidence to charge him.
The beleaguered Maimi-Dade Corrections Department said it is still working to figure out why the doors in the maximum security wing opened.
Inmates in that wing are never let out of their cells more than a few at
a time and are never allowed to mingle in common areas together.
In May, a similar incident allowed the computerized control panel to
open all doors on the wing when a guard accidentally pushed the wrong
After that happened, a safety was installed that forced jailers who
pressed the button to open all doors to confirm the selection first.
Still the Corrections Department claims that no jailer released the doors.
Williams' lawyer questions that conclusion.
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